EasyUSB::Errors Namespace Reference

Contains all error classes for exception handling. More...

Data Structures

class  BufferTooSmall
 A given buffer is too small to complete the operation. More...
class  Cancelled
 The operation was cancelled. More...
class  DeviceLost
 The USB device was lost/unplugged. More...
class  DeviceNotAvailable
 The file handle to the device is not open, there is no link to reach the driver. More...
class  Error
 Base error class, all EasyUSB errors are derived from this class. More...
class  InvalidParameter
 An invalid parameter was passed to the function. More...
class  IOError
 Base class for IO operation errors. More...
class  NotEnoughMemory
 There was not enough memory available to complete the requested operation. More...
class  ResourceError
 Common base class for resource errors. More...
class  TimedOut
 The operation could not be completed in the specified time. More...
class  UnknownError
 An unknown error occured. More...

Detailed Description

Contains all error classes for exception handling.

Generated on Tue Nov 4 22:13:26 2008 for EasyUSB Connect by  doxygen 1.5.6