EasyUSB::AsyncIO | Asynchronous operation object |
EasyUSB::Data | Data structure for the USB system |
EasyUSB::Descriptors::Configuration | Configuration Descriptor |
EasyUSB::Descriptors::Device | Device Descriptor |
EasyUSB::Descriptors::Endpoint | Endpoint Descriptor |
EasyUSB::Descriptors::Interface | Interface Descriptor |
EasyUSB::Descriptors::String | String Descriptor |
EasyUSB::Detail::IO | IO class for synchronous and asynchronous read/write operations |
EasyUSB::Detail::IOBase | IO base class responsible for finding a device and opening a file handle |
EasyUSB::Detail::IOControl | This class provides functions for sending IO Control Codes to the driver |
EasyUSB::Device | Represents a USB Device |
EasyUSB::Endpoint | Represents a USB Data Endpoint |
EasyUSB::Errors::BufferTooSmall | A given buffer is too small to complete the operation |
EasyUSB::Errors::Cancelled | The operation was cancelled |
EasyUSB::Errors::DeviceLost | The USB device was lost/unplugged |
EasyUSB::Errors::DeviceNotAvailable | The file handle to the device is not open, there is no link to reach the driver |
EasyUSB::Errors::Error | Base error class, all EasyUSB errors are derived from this class |
EasyUSB::Errors::InvalidParameter | An invalid parameter was passed to the function |
EasyUSB::Errors::IOError | Base class for IO operation errors |
EasyUSB::Errors::NotEnoughMemory | There was not enough memory available to complete the requested operation |
EasyUSB::Errors::ResourceError | Common base class for resource errors |
EasyUSB::Errors::TimedOut | The operation could not be completed in the specified time |
EasyUSB::Errors::UnknownError | An unknown error occured |
EasyUSB::IEndpoint | Interface class for asynchronous callbacks |