Error.h File Reference


namespace  EasyUSB
namespace  EasyUSB::Errors

Data Structures

class  EasyUSB::Errors::BufferTooSmall
 A given buffer is too small to complete the operation. More...
class  EasyUSB::Errors::Cancelled
 The operation was cancelled. More...
class  EasyUSB::Errors::DeviceLost
 The USB device was lost/unplugged. More...
class  EasyUSB::Errors::DeviceNotAvailable
 The file handle to the device is not open, there is no link to reach the driver. More...
class  EasyUSB::Errors::Error
 Base error class, all EasyUSB errors are derived from this class. More...
class  EasyUSB::Errors::InvalidParameter
 An invalid parameter was passed to the function. More...
class  EasyUSB::Errors::IOError
 Base class for IO operation errors. More...
class  EasyUSB::Errors::NotEnoughMemory
 There was not enough memory available to complete the requested operation. More...
class  EasyUSB::Errors::ResourceError
 Common base class for resource errors. More...
class  EasyUSB::Errors::TimedOut
 The operation could not be completed in the specified time. More...
class  EasyUSB::Errors::UnknownError
 An unknown error occured. More...

Generated on Tue Nov 4 22:13:26 2008 for EasyUSB Connect by  doxygen 1.5.6